
  • Real Estate Analysis
    Project: 4th & Virginia (Escala), Client: iStar Financial, Inc.

    Through the use of a financial proforma, R2KS Design + Build considers the cost over time of various approaches to development of land, renovations, tenant spaces, or buildings. Analysis may consider alternative uses, budgets, phasing and ownership.

  • Strategic Facility Planning
    R2KS Design + Build utilizes an interactive process to consider spacial needs, land use, budget, and financing options concurrently, within a framework of the client's organizational plan and strategic business plan. Output includes a multi-year facility plan that incorporates space programming, conceptual site master plan, preliminary budget and development approach.
  • Facility Master Planning
    The master planning process is used to develop alternate solutions to spacial needs for corporate and institutional clients, including comparison of new and renovated space, site utilization studies for expansion, and the comparative budgets of each alternative.
  • Project Repositioning / Work-outs
    In order to reposition outdated or distressed properties, R2KS Design + Build can assist a client with the creation of strategies including market analyses, existing building condition analyses, design concepts, preliminary budgets and graphics programs.
  • Operational Analysis / LEED Certification
    Utilizing mechanical/electrical engineering expertise, R2KS Design + Build can provide a client with projections of operating costs for existing and new facilities including energy studies, energy conservation programs, and updating of mechanical/electrical and life safety systems.
  • Cost Estimating & Scheduling
    An important consideration in the development of an accurate cost estimate is to use the most specific information available at the time. This requires that estimating procedures vary with the phase of the project. Early estimates will be based on gross factors and later ones on detailed take-offs. R2KS Design + Build has available computer-based cost estimating programs and systems featuring access to national cost data as well as detailed project costs compiled from recent project experience.R2KS Design + Build has staff available that specialize in the review, development, implementation and support of project scheduling and information systems. Utilizing Microsoft Project Manager software, we have the capability to provide construction schedules in CPM or Bar Chart Format, including time scaled event durations based on labor man hours and crew size.